Monday 1 September 2008

Why another blog?

I offer this blog in the hope that it will stir brothers and sisters to pray to the Lord of the Harvest for our little work for him in east London. For the past 10 years we have run a small tuition group (approximating to a part time independent school). In that time we have taught about 40 children from different faith groups in east London. We attempt to teach them the glory of God in their ordinary lessons and in the gospel of Christ. It is a labour of love, with my colleague Ellen making the tortuous journey from Child's Hill to Forest Gate everyday for an embarrassing pittance, and myself earning almost a third of what I would get in school (never mind - the Lord is no man's debtor).

Over the last five years we have faced bureaucratic and ideological opposition from the Department for Children, Schools and Families. Most recently we have been discussed in the House of Commons and a part of a Bill which was drafted specifically with us in mind is winding its course through the Houses of Parliament.

We feel we are now at the point of no return. I need to earn enough to provide for my family, but the sums don't add up (welcome to the real world). If we do not attract 7 new students to our Academy in three weeks we will conclude that it is not the Lord's will for us to continue (it doesn't take an economist to work that one out).

So I ask you to watch this spot as I relate our efforts to continue this work, and to pray that God will help us in one way or another to get those children. Who knows how he may work? We pray it will be through the fees of children or funding from charities or grant making bodies or from some other source. But don't worry I know that nobody on my address list is that much better off than me - so although I will be frank about our figures it is not with the intent of getting you to empty your coffers into mine (glad I got that out of the way).

Do watch and pray for us (and advise as you are able).



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